Learn more about Bloom Foundation Gives

Learn more about Bloom Foundation Gives

It all started when co-founder Erika Rich (pictured), 27, was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer in February 2019 at the age of 25. After ten rounds of IV chemo treatment, 18 rounds of targeted and complete brain radiation, plus over 20 rounds of continued...
What do you see when you look at me?

What do you see when you look at me?

I wrote this poem when I was picking up my son from school.  At that time, Seth was in the second grade. All of these thoughts and feelings that I had bottled up came flowing out on the empty piece of paper. I hope these words help anyone who is struggling with being...
Living with Facial Disfigurement during COVID-19

Living with Facial Disfigurement during COVID-19

LIving with facial disfigurement has been an adjustment, to say the least.  Anyone who is living with something that makes them appear differently from the general population, also knows what I am talking about.  It has takenme 8 years to adjust to all of the...